Personalise your greeting /Check your messages

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Personalise your greeting /Check your messages

02 World / UK SIM

Personalise your greeting

Your Voicemail 901 is automatically set up with a default message that greets your callers. Or you can record your own. Here's how:

  • Dial 901
  • Press * for greetings and mailbox settings and then 3
  • Follow the prompts

You use the same prompts to change your greeting, as and when you need to. Handy if you're away on holiday.

Check your messages

You can listen to your messages any time by dialling 901 from your mobile. Or you can speed-dial Voicemail 901 by holding down 1.

Then, while you're listening to a message you can:

Press 0 to pause or continue

Press 4 to skip back 5 seconds

Press 6 to skip forward 5 seconds

You can also do any of the following during or after you've heard your message:

Press 1 to replay the message

Press 2 to save it

Press 3 to delete it

Press 5 to return the call


Personalize Your Greeting

When you call your voicemail for the first time, you are prompted to set up your voicemail greeting. You can always change your voicemail greeting at any time; just dial 777 from your phone. Your voicemail greeting must be a short 12 seconds or less

To update your greeting, dial into voicemail, and then press 3

• To play your active greeting press 1

• To re-record your active greeting press 2

• To delete your greeting press 7

• To deactivate status greetings (the automated voice that precedes your voicemail greeting), press 88

To access your personal options after initializing, dial into voicemail, then press 4. To modify your personal preferences, press 4 again. You're now in the personal preferences menu:

• To modify your password, press 1

• To change playback preferences, press 2

• To change your language for instructions, press 5

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Last Modified:March-04-11
Last Modified By: gsabanis
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