Unable To Browse the Internet - Blackberry 8700

Hardware: Blackberry BES 8700

Issue: Unable to browse the internet

Solution Workflow

Step 1: Confirm GPRS data coverage

1. Enable the wireless function on the Blackberry and see which network it registers with.
2. Scroll to the 'Turn Wireless On' icon. Click in the track wheel.
3. On the top right you should see the following changing icons: GSM > gprs > GPRS (or EDGE).
4. Once you have GPRS (or EDGE) then your data feature is active and you can send/receive emails.
5. If you don’t get GPRS (or EDGE) then manually search for a GPRS network.

Step 2: Check the current registered network and change to another network

1. Retrieve the current network name by locating it on the display.
2. Scroll to "Options" and click in using track wheel.
3. Scroll to "Network" and click in using track wheel.
4. Scroll to "Scan Mode" and make sure it is set to Manual.
5. Scroll to "Scan for Available Networks" and click in using track wheel.
6. From the list of available networks scroll to the desired network and click in using track wheel.
7. Scroll to "Select Network" and click in using track wheel.
8. "Network Selection Succeeded" will appear on the display, click "OK" using track wheel.

9. Return to Home screen and place a test incoming and outgoing call to the  phone. If this fails try power cycling the phone.

Step 3: Confirm a web page can be viewed


  • Please note that only web pages designed to be displayed on a Blackberry can be browsed using the Blackberry browser.

1. Click on the Blackberry Browser from the main screen. Do not choose WAP browser. Click in and choose ‘Go To..’
2. Another screen pops up and you will see Go To http://
3. Type in the web address www.google.com after the last ‘/’ and scroll to ‘OK’ and click in the track wheel. This will automatically take you to the desired website. If it comes up then we have confirmed that the internet is working.


Posted April-29-10 by djones